Thank You: Universal Studios

There are few companies as recognizable in our community than Universal Studios and for all they are known for in the world of entertainment, at the Central Florida Urban League, we know them as a true partner and ally.

Thank you to Universal Studios for providing invaluable resources which has enabled us to provide our youth with incredible programming, such as STEM initiatives during the summer. For the youth enrolled in our summer STEM programming, we are able to reduce the traditional summer learning loss, while ensuring that they have a safe and welcoming environment to spend the summer break.

The opportunities that Universal Studios has provided not only help to better prepare our youth for the upcoming school year, but also for their future. A STEM education sparks a love for learning in our children, thus helping them along the path to post-secondary studies and eventually, will be the foundation for employment in a host of high-tech industries.

Thank you Universal Studios! Please see this special thank you video here.